Be a lion

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Be a lion

Fri, 05/21/2021 - 14:34
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Right now parents are being pressured to give an experimental injection to their children. It is not legal to put any conditions on any person, let alone a child, to have this vaccine.

That means when the government or private entity says your child must wear a mask or cannot attend school without the injection, they are violating the Nuremberg Code.

No one may be forced to participate in an experiment. And this is an experiment.

Only meager trials have even recently taken place on children. This injection has resulted in serious side effects, to include two deaths. It may make your child sterile for life.

Be a lion. Research, research, and then do more research. Ask questions. Listen to the doctors who testified at the Texas Senate concerning Bob Hall’s bill for health freedom in Texas.

News in censored so you may not know this, but Germany’s court has ruled that masks, distancing, and testing, among other measures enforced against children, are not only illegal, they are harmful. Expert testimony was given in the case. We do not understand the great harm that has been done to children by adults living in fear and not questioning authorities whose “guidance” changes day to day.

Become that lion. Question authority. Then make your decision.

Jill Berkana Ft. Davis

Ft. Davis