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In what activities did you participate in high school? I have participated in Cross Country and Track and Field all four years. I have also participated in basketball, Student Council, and I am in the National Honor Society.

New beginnings

“They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in, they did not find the body.” --Luke 24:2-3 NRSV In the United Methodist Church, my denomination, we begin our new appointments to new churches in July. Traditionally we have an annual conference in June where, among other business, the bishop sets the new assignments of clergy. So there are always Methodist preachers preaching first sermons in July, looking at what new chapter has begun. I am not moving this year, but I hear lots of conversations about new beginnings.
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WEEK Alpine Humane Society Pet of the Week is Bean. Bean may be small like a bean but he’s mighty. He enjoys tackling his siblings and showing them who is in charge. Lighting quick, he likes to keep everyone on their toes. Sure, his big brother may pin him down, but he knows he is no match for Bean’s reflexes. Bean is sure he can take anyone, but he would love to have a teammate in his corner. Adopting him with a sibling or any other kitten will make a happy life for them and plenty of entertainment in your home.